Junk Food Addiction

  My name is Michelle and I am junk food addict.

Back in June once Megan was able to walk again, we started treating ourselves with food.  Then I got lost in emotions of, now what? Now I have half of my autobiography written and I have a job and income stability again. The past has come knocking on my door and I am doing a great job of drawing lines in the sand and saying no to people who drain me of positive energy.  I am rebuilding my life successfully but there is a monster at my door!

Junk Food addiction is controlling my world, it has been for months. I feel it in my clothes; I feel it walking up the stairs, I see it in my skin and hair. I know it is the worst thing possible for my life and for my daughter. I am overly tired due to the lack of quality in my diet. Getting home at 7pm at night it’s far too easy to stop at the drive through and pick up the ready made junk food.

Junk food is anything processed. All of that processed food has the nasty effect of spiking my blood sugar levels short term. The subsequent drop of those blood sugar levels causes my body to scream for more junk food. It is a vicious cycle and one that I understand totally. I have been guiding people to understand this for a year. Now I face the music and claim my problem. This is an addiction like any other, once you fall off the wagon it’s easy to get lost in the enjoyment of getting away with it.

My personal coach Brandon will be so disappointed in me; I have made a point of not talking about food for months. I skirt the discussions about exercise. Maybe if I don’t talk about it, then it isn’t really a problem. Of course it’s a problem. To be fair I have been pretty busy accomplishing other goals but this one has to become priority one again before my daughter gets sick again and before I end up in the hospital fighting my own health battles.

So how do I begin, how do I get away from this before something terrible happens. I know this is step 1. Admitting you have a problem is always step 1. Next step will be working with Brandon, to get me back on track on food and exercise.  Accountability to Brandon and to my blog readers will keep me on track as I fight to regain control.

4 thoughts on “Junk Food Addiction

  1. Thats a very easy addiction to fall into Michelle
    Many of us fight that addiction every day and if you say you are a alcholic or a drug addict People offer help and solutions If you are a food addict people look at you like you are no good and just tell you to quit eating it
    ‘Easier said then done for sure
    You can avoid bars and beer and liquor stores and even drug dealers if that is your addiction but at least once a week we are expected to visit the grocery store which is filled with temptation at every turn .

    Good for you on excepting your responsibility to you and Megan for a better life and seeking out Brandons help

    Good luck in your Journey

  2. I hear you, Michelle! It is so easy to fall back into the bad habits. I have been guilty of that myself this past year. Even though I continued to exercise, my food choices were not what they should have been. Like you, I have acknowledged this and am taking it one meal at a time making a change in my lifestyle again.

    Best wishes!

  3. Hi Everyone,

    This is Brandon here, Michelle’s Holistic Lifestyle Coach.

    I want to give credit where credit is due. Michelle initially came to me with a goal of trying to lose weight.

    But as we talked and worked together there was other fundamental challenges that came up.

    There was emotional, mental, and financial challenges that needed to be work through because the weight is just a symptom of these challenges.

    Michelle has been doing an amazing job of over coming personal challenges and succeeding in her life in all area’s. Michelle has accomplish so much and because of this the weight will come down once she start the actions towards losing weight. She wouldn’t have challenges of failing because the emotional eating will not be an issue because Michelle has overcome those root challenges.

    Keep up the GREAT WORK Michelle.

    Brandon Krieger,
    Clinical Director, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Reiki Practitioner & Professional Speaker

    For more information contact Ultimate Sports Therapy at info@ultimatesportstherapy.com or visit us at http://www.ultimatesportstherapy.com/lifestylecoaching.html

  4. Brandon first of all thanks for bringing tears to my eyes! Secondly thank you for supporting me through the mess of the last year and for helping me sort out my past!

    I thought I had those monsters sealed up nicely but I was wrong.Writing about them in my autobiography and your reiki treatments have released those hounds and I am confident they will not be allowed back through my door after I dealt with one properly that knocked on the other night.

    Thank you for not being ashamed of me on this, I know I carry enough of that on my own! You are incredible and if anyone needs a Holistic lifestyle coach I will always recommend you (or me if that makes sense lol)

    Sheila and Vicki thanks for understanding this too. Not an easy blog to write today but I had to start somewhere

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